Financial Resources for International Students

Financial Resources for International Students


  1. Understanding The Financial Landscape
  2. Living On A budget
  3. Student Loan Services
  4. Student Loan Services By Country
  5. Scholarship Search Platforms
  6. Money Transfer services

Choosing to study abroad is a transformative decision, shaping not only your academic life but also your personal growth and global perspectives. Yet, the exhilaration of this journey often comes hand-in-hand with financial uncertainties. Fortunately, with thorough planning and the right resources, navigating these financial challenges can be made easier. At Study Trekkers, we're dedicated to providing you with comprehensive financial resources to ensure your academic aspirations don't get hindered by monetary constraints.

Understanding the Financial Landscape

It's crucial to comprehend the financial requirements of studying abroad. Tuition fees, living expenses, travel, and incidental costs can quickly add up. By understanding these costs upfront, you can craft a more effective budget and seek the necessary resources to cover these expenses.

Student Loans and Financing

Several banks and financial institutions offer specialized student loans for international education. These loans often have competitive interest rates and flexible repayment plans tailored for students. By researching and comparing these options, you can find a loan solution that aligns with your financial needs.

Scholarships and Grants

Scholarships can significantly reduce the financial burden of your studies. Many institutions offer scholarships based on merit, talent, or specific student backgrounds. Additionally, various organizations and foundations provide grants to support international education. It's essential to research these opportunities early, as application deadlines can vary.

Efficient Money Transfers

Transferring money across borders can sometimes attract high fees. Fortunately, there are platforms specializing in international money transfers for students, offering favorable exchange rates and minimized transaction fees.

Part-time Work Opportunities

Many countries permit international students to undertake part-time employment. This can be a valuable source of income to support your living expenses and gain work experience in a foreign country. Familiarize yourself with the work rights associated with your student visa and explore job portals dedicated to student employment.

Living on a Budget

Studying abroad doesn't mean you have to break the bank. With smart budgeting, frugal living tips, and taking advantage of student discounts, you can stretch your funds further. From cost-effective accommodation options to saving on groceries and transport, there are myriad ways to manage your expenses effectively.

1. Budgeting Tools

Start by tracking your monthly expenses using budgeting apps or tools. They allow you to set limits for various categories and notify you when you're nearing your budget, ensuring you're always in control of your finances.

2. Shared Accommodations

Consider shared accommodations or student dormitories. They're not only more affordable than living alone, but they also provide an excellent opportunity to meet fellow students and foster community ties.

3. Local Markets and Grocery Sales

Instead of dining out frequently, cook at home. Buying groceries from local markets or during sales can lead to significant savings. Additionally, bulk buying with roommates or friends can further reduce costs.

4. Student Discounts

Many businesses, from transport services to restaurants and entertainment venues, offer student discounts. Always carry your student ID and inquire about potential discounts before making purchases.

5. Opt for Public Transport

Relying on public transportation, cycling, or walking can considerably cut down on your commuting expenses. Many cities offer student passes or discounted rates for public transport, making it a cost-effective choice.

6. Buy Second-hand

Whether it's textbooks, furniture, or electronic gadgets, consider purchasing second-hand items or renting them. Many universities have bulletin boards or online platforms where students sell or rent out their belongings at a fraction of the original cost.

7. Limit Luxuries

While it's tempting to indulge, limiting non-essential luxuries can make a significant difference in your monthly expenditure. Activities like eating out, frequenting cafes, or impulse shopping can add up over time.

Student Loan Services

Paying for your international education is a significant investment. You can find loan opportunities within your home country to fund study abroad. Additionally, various organizations provide loans designed specifically for international students. Here are some options worth considering.

Global with exclusions

Prodigy Finance

Prodigy Finance offers loans to international students from 150 different nationalities. Their model allows alumni and other investors to fund students from their alma mater or home country.

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Student Loan Resources By Country

Step 1: Check within your home country for banks that fund overseas study.

Step 2: Check with your intended course or University for finance options for international Students.

Resources By Country


Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Offers student lines of credit for both domestic and international students studying in Australia.

Westpac: Provides personal loans for Aussies that can be used for educational purposes.


Banco do Brasil: Offers educational loans to students studying abroad.


National Bank of Canada: Offers student lines of credit for tuition and living expenses.

Scotiabank: Provides student lines of credit to finance post-secondary education.


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: Provides education loans to students going abroad for further studies.


Deutsche Bank: Offers study loans for students, including non-residents who are studying in Germany.


HDFC Credila: Specializes in providing student loans for overseas education.

State Bank of India: Offers student loans for education abroad through its Global Ed-Vantage scheme.


Nabil Bank: Provides educational loans to Nepalese students pursuing higher education abroad.


ING: Offers student loans for students studying in the Netherlands.

New Zealand

ANZ Bank New Zealand: Provides flexible loans for students pursuing higher education.

Kiwibank: Offers student loans to help with the cost of tertiary education.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority: Offers education finance for Saudi students who are studying abroad.

South Korea

Korea Development Bank: Provides educational loans to students studying abroad.

United Kingdom

HSBC UK: Provides personal loans that could be used to finance your studies.

NatWest: Offers loans to students and graduates, which can be used to cover education-related expenses.


Vietcombank: Provides education loans for students pursuing education abroad.

Scholarship Search Platforms

Securing a scholarship can significantly lighten the financial load of studying abroad. Here are some platforms that can help you find suitable scholarships:

Visit: Study Trekkers Scholarship Guide

  • ScholarshipPortal

    Global: This comprehensive database connects students with scholarships from around the world.

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  • Fastweb

    Primarily US-based: Fastweb matches students with relevant scholarship opportunities based on their unique profiles.

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    Primarily US-based: provides a free college scholarship search and financial aid information resource.

    Visit Website 

Money Transfer Services

Studying abroad often means having to transfer money across countries. These services offer safe and efficient international money transfers:

  • PayPal

    Global: A widely accepted service, PayPal allows for secure transactions in many different currencies.

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  • Western Union

    Global: As one of the most established money transfer companies, Western Union offers quick and reliable international transfers.

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